34 research outputs found

    The effect of semantic mapping technique on technical vocabulary mastery for Midwifery students

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    This study was conducted to test whether Semantic Mapping Technique affects midwifery students’ technical vocabularies at the University of Prima Indonesia. Semantic Mapping is a technique of visual for the expansion of vocabularies and knowledge extension by displaying in words of categories related to each other. The total of 40 midwifery students in the academic year of 2018/2019 was taken as the research samples by applying two groups for pre-test and post-test experimental research design. The experimental group was taught by Semantic Mapping Technique while the control group was taught by conventional teaching technique of vocabulary. The research data were then analyzed using T-test. In this research, a multiple-choice test was used as the research instrument for collecting data. Both the experimental and control groups were asked to answer 50 test items in Pre-test and Post-test. The research data were then analyzed statistically by using T-test formula with the assistance of the SPSS program. The study revealed that the value of T-observed (4.41) was higher than the value of T-table (2.02) at the level of significance 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) 40. It means that the alternative hypothesis stating that Semantic Mapping technique has a significant effect on midwifery students’ technical vocabularies is significantly accepted. By so doing, this technique can be considered to be used to increase students’ vocabularies

    EFL Teachers' Attitudes toward E-learning Platforms during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    This study investigates the features of three e-learning platforms: Moodle, Google Classroom, and Zoom. It provides an in-depth examination of the digital learning media efficacy during the COVID-19 pandemic. It outlines the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning platforms for English language teaching. The research highlights the potential of authentic e-learning platforms to motivate EFL teachers and students to step up to the challenge. A digital survey which consisted of 36 items, was distributed to determine EFL teachers' impressions of the effectiveness of these platforms. The researchers distributed three questionnaires for each e-learning platform. Each questionnaire consisted of six sections: availability and accessibility, efficiency, information exchange, teacher perception, teacher satisfaction, and E-learning insight during COVID-19. The researchers utilized the Minitab 16 Statistical software to analyze the elicited data and the Cronbach's Alpha values to assess the survey questions content validity. Other statistical techniques, such as mean, standard deviation, and agreeable level (AR), were used to depict the effectiveness of each platform. Google Classroom (Ave. AR = 72.92 percent and Ave. Mean = 3.887) was the most efficient e-learning platform based on the survey responses.  The next platforms were Moodle (Ave. AR = 68.09 percent, Ave. Mean = 3.694) and Zoom (Ave. AR = 61.85 percent, Ave. Mean = 3.544). The findings should motivate language learners to act and assist instructors and policy-makers in constructing e-learning environments that support learning during the global health crisis


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    This research is conducted in order to improve students’ vocabulary mastery in the easiest way through using words matching game of the first grade students of SMP Santo Petrus Medan. In conducting this research, the researcher used Classroom Action Research (CAR) as the method of research. This research consisted of two cycles and each cycle consisted of four steps, they were planning, action, observation and reflecting. Each cycle was conducted in three meetings, so the researcher conducted this researcher in six meetings for one month and three weeks. The data were in the form of qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data was analyzed the learning teaching process. The quantitative data was to count the students’ score in pre-test and post-test. The students’ responses showed that they were interested in learning vocabulary through words matching game. Morever, the students’ achievements in pre-test and post-test showed a significant improvement. The students’ average score in pre-test was 49.03%, the average score in formative test in cycle 1 was 73%, and the average score in post-test end program improved about 77.84%. From this result, the researcher concluded that using words matching game of the first grade students of SMP Santo Petrus Medan can improve students’ vocabulary mastery


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    This research is aimed to analysis on the errors in using simple past tense made by students at class VIII in SMP Trisakti I Medan. The subject of this research of the eighth grade students of SMP Trisakti I Medan. The method used in this study was descriptive analysis method to describe students’ errors and analyze the data by using formula:  x 100 %,  P=  percentage, F= Frequency of error made, N= Total of students’ errors. The data was taken from the test: it was written test. The result of the errors analysis process showed that students’ committed error into four types: omission,  addition, misformation, and misordering. From the frequency of each error types, showed that there are 218 errors made by the students.the most frequent error made by students is Misformation which consists of 160 errors or 73,3%,  it is followed by omission with 32 errors or 14,7%. The next is addition which consists of 15 errors or 6,7%. And the last is misordering with 11 errors or 5%


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    Di dalam kehidupannya sehari-hari, manusia membutuhkan banyak sarana, diantaranya adalah komunikasi. Salah satu bentuk komunikasi tersebut yaitu musik ataupun lagu. Lagu yang dinyanyikan, disampaikan kepada orang yang dituju tanpa harus berkomunikasi secara langsung. Banyak orang suka mendengar dan menyanyikan lagu Batak, namun kurang memahami maknanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola ekspresi tindak tutur yang terdapat pada lirik lagu bahasa Batak Toba bertemakan penghormatan anak kepada orang tua. Pola ekspresi yang dimaksud adalah lokusi, ilokusi dan perlokusi. Desain penelitian ini adalah analisis isi dan interview kepada orang-orang tua yang memahami betul makna lirik lagu bahasa Batak Toba. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa ekspresi tindak tutur lokusi dalam lirik 7 lagu Bahasa Batak Toba bertemakan penghormatan anak kepada orang tua, umumnya berupa tuturan yang disampaikan dalam bentuk kalimat berita. Ekspresi tindak tutur ilokusi dalam lirik 7 lagu Bahasa Batak Toba bertemakan penghormatan anak kepada orang tua, umumnya berisi tuturan jenis ekspresif, yaitu tuturan dengan maksud mengucapkan terima kasih, meminta maaf, memuji, dan mengucapkan selamat. Dan ekspresi tindak tutur perlokusi dalam lirik 7 lagu Bahasa Batak Toba bertemakan penghormatan anak kepada orang tua umumnya berisi tuturan dengan daya atau efek menyenangkan hati orang tua.


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     Abstract Textbook is an important media because contains learning materials that employed learners to get knowledge through learning process. To support the learning process, the textbook should be appropriate to the 2013 curriculum. This research used content analysis. The objectives of this research are (1) to explain the topics of writing materials in Bahasa Inggris textbook (2) to explain the writing materials written in Bahasa Inggris textbook (3) to explain the relatedness between writing materials and the K13 curriculum. Here, the result of this research shows that (1) The topic of writing material is appropriate to the 2013 curriculum. (2) The form of writing tasks meet as good criteria  because the textbook gave good guideline and explanation exactly in social function, text structure and language feature. (3) The writing material in Bahasa Inggris textbook is related to the English 2013 curriculum because the writing material in the textbook have implemented based on the content of the syllabus of the 2013 curriculum. This textbook is good to use because it is suitable for students in Senior High School for the twelfth grade to increase their writing skills.   Keywords : Content analysis, writing material, 2013 curriculu

    A Retrospective study on English teachers’ strategies to improve students’ writing skills

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    Writing is the act of conveying thoughts, facts, knowledge, or understanding for further study or to communicate and absorb certain information. Writing can be used to express art or beauty as well as words. Everything that is put into writing, including memories, folklore, and imagination, can then be integrated into a publishable narrative. Despite the fact that teachers in Indonesia have done a lot of research on writing skills, there is currently little literature on the writing tactics teachers use to help students develop their writing skills. The purpose of this study was to learn more about the tactics teachers use when teaching students in writing, including how to evaluate student progress. Qualitative data analysis approach is used to analyze research data. Specifically, collecting data, reducing it, analyzing it, and drawing conclusions. This study uses a qualitative methodology with a survey design. Ten English teachers from Medan participated in the study as participants. The findings show that instructors make extensive use of a variety of strategies, including exercises and writing assignments. Of the two, the teacher believed that practice was the most successful in helping students improve their writing skills. Studying a lot of things around can also affect it, such as remembering vocabulary around the environment and writing it down according to the existing reading provisions


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    This study attempts to investigate the correlation between students‟ vocabulary mastery and ability in arranging narrative paragraphs. The research approach was quantitative. The research method was descriptive. The research design of this study was a correlational design. The population of this study was second grade students of SMA Swasta Santo Petrus Medan totaling to 118 of three parallel classes. The sample of this research was the class XI MIA totaling to 38 students. The instrument of collecting the data were vocabulary test and arranging narrative paragraphs test and split half formula was used to obtain the reliability of the test. The data was analyzed by using Pearson Product Moment formula. From this study it was found that robserved is higher than rtable (0.881>0.413). It means that null hypothesis is rejected and Alternative hypothesis is accepted. As the conclusion, there is very strong correlation between students‟ vocabulary mastery and ability in  arranging  narrative  paragraphs  at  SMA  Swasta  Santo  Petrus  Medan  in Academic Year of 2016/2017


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    A Textbook has a big role to make the process of learning and teaching running well.  The good textbook will influence on the students’ ability toward the lesson in the classroom. Before getting an explanation from the teachers, the students will learn the material first in their homes. It will let them comprehend the material before being explained by their teachers. It will make the learners easily understanding the lesson which is explained by the teachers in the classroom. By doing so, it will not be complicated for the students in mastering each lesson. The purpose of this research is to know whether the textbook integrates all learning skills and to find out whether the textbook gives assessment or self-reflection to the students about each chapter. In order to do this research, the checklist and documentation method is used to investigate the content of the textbook. The result will be shown by using the table and explained clearly to avoid misunderstanding against the readers. Briefly, a good textbook used by teachers and students in the classroom plays a crucial role in the process of learning and teaching

    Figurative Language Use in Song Lyrics in English Textbook Senior High School

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    This research aims to determine the types of figurative language in song lyrics in English textbooks and determine the types of figurative language most often used in song lyrics. In this research, the researchers used a qualitative method. Researchers used data collection documentation techniques. In analyzing the data, the researchers classified the figurative language data based on Perrine’s theory. The researchers found four types of figurative language in the song 'Pathway to English,' namely, metaphor, simile, hyperbole, and metonymy. The variety of figurative languages most used is hyperbole. By using figurative language, the writer can also express their feelings to convey the song's meaning. Keywords: Figurative Language, Song Lyrics, English Textboo